10 - Authentic Voices
This summary is copied directly from Cameron Ballingal’s comment in Module 10 from our online FNMI OISE Course 2024 “This checklist is composed of recommendations to journalists for avoiding reporting on Indigenous issues and people in a way that is stereotypical, superficial, and/or disrespectful, along with some other recommendations. To avoid coverage that is superficial or stereotypical, the checklist prompts reporters to consider “new angles” to stories about Indigenous issues, rather than the standard coverage about pow wows, Indigenous peoples day, etc. The checklist also prompts reporters to consider how to avoid disrespectful coverage through being aware of cultural differences ahead of time, and through trying to include Indigenous voices in their news stories whenever possible.”
It also slips in this idea of the Sacred Indian Handshake. Everyone wants to belong to a secret hand shake or at very least avoid being excluded (unless we are talking in-house, community only events, of course) and so I begin to immediately research the idea. Visually of course.
This is not the Sacred Indian Handshake I had in mind…