"The Little Rabbit" is simple story of a rabbit’s day. From waking up, to finding food, the charming hand-painted watercolor illustrations are irresistible!
Coming soon
“Swimming Sharks” is a book about opposites. With shark’s swimming up and down and repeated vocabilary your baby is sure to learn some new words.
Coming soon
Ages 0 - 5
“What colour is the cow?” is a colourful alternative to your traditional farm book. Learn farm animals and colours.
Ages 5 - 10
"The Neighbours" offers a peek into the bustling Toronto nightlife of a raccoon family, snugly residing in the attic of a charming Victorian house, rent-free.
Coming soon
Ages 2-8
Coming soon
Ages 5 - 10
"Boujemaa Climbs a Mountain" follows a child as he embarks on a hike with his mother, pausing to marvel at the wonders of the natural world.
"123 Shapes" teaches colors, shapes, and numbers, ideal for sparking basic conversations with your little one.
"Family" introduces the concept of relatives through a delightful array of diverse families.
نبذة عن المترجم: ولد سعيد وتلقى تعليمه في المغرب. يتكلم العربية المغربية ،العربية الفصحى، الفرنسية والإنجليزية. يحب كرة القدم. متخصص في ترجمة كلمة "هدف" إلى جميع اللغات. هو شريك حياة هانا بوركهارت وصاحب ابنهما اللاعب المحترف.