3 - Breaking Down Stereotypes
The Facing History resource on culture, stereotypes, and identity has tools for students to think about how culture and identity play mix and match with stereotypes.
But isn’t this common knowledge someone asks? To which a man with long furry ears in the shadow replies “Knowledge isn’t so common”. If you can connect to who you are then you have a strong identity. Canadians are always searching for their identity. Not like the French, who have been French for millennia - who laugh at our silly North American ways. I believe the problem is that people who don’t have strong identities can’t teach other people how to have them. That’s why there’s this floating idea of the hungry ghosts.
Also this movie:
I’m not the Indian you had in mind - OMG I love this man. He changed my life. Genius. Want his autograph.
Teacher resources - for the above movie.