6 Reasons to Get Your Child Customizable Multilingual Books From Fluent.

***I am sorry to say but I am no longer offering customized books in multiple languages. Books take too long to create to be affordable. It is my goal to make books in any language easily accessible to all. ***

As a parent of a multilingual child, you’ve probably heard all the arguments for why bilingualism is beneficial. The research supports it: studies have shown that learning more than one language brings cognitive and creative benefits to children, like improved problem-solving skills and multitasking abilities. But did you know you can take these advantages to the next level by investing in multilingual books tailored to your child? Here at Fluent we believe giving your kiddos access to engaging multi lingual material will give them an extra edge when they need it most — and here are 6 reasons why!

  1. Introducing a Variety of Languages Early On – Did you know that the number one indicator of early literacy is reading to your child daily from day one? This simple habit (comparable to climbing Mount Everst - Does anything get done? You have a newborn.) of daily reading can easily be done in more than one language with our books. Which can give them a head start not only to learning a language, but reading as well. (Put this gift on the baby shower gift list - for the bonus gift of rest - instead of trying to track down books in your families specific languages.

  2. Encouraging Curiosity and Learning – Customizable multilingual books are an excellent way to encourage curiosity and learning in children of all ages. They introduce a combination of academic and practical vocabulary as well as telling simple and cute stories. Perfect for learning a language.

  3. Open doors to Different Cultures – Our first books are rooted in tradition of western children’s storytelling but very soon we are looking to expand to include culturally specific stories. For either type of story, the language learning will help open doors into different cultures, giving them a better understanding of different nations and people around the world.

  4. Fun Way to Learn New Words – Using competence in one language allows kids to to learn new words in a weaker language! Fluents languages are colour coded and side by side - this allows you to help your little one to compare the different letters and words. Kids love to compare scripts.

  5. Developing Comprehension Skills - Reading books helps develop comprehension skills in children, which is essential for their language learning journey.

  6. Making Connections With Real-World Experiences - Multilingual books from Fluent let children see themselves selves in works and make connections with real-world experiences, helping them understand the context of why certain words are used in certain situations or conversations.

The power of language is incredibly versatile and can open up access to a world of opportunities. As parents, introducing languages early on through the use of books such as those from Fluent for a World can make a huge difference in how our children are able to see the world. The customizable multilingual books we offer also make it fun for kids to learn new words while teaching them, and sharing worthwhile stories that can help them gain confidence in a language. If you’re looking for the perfect tool to get your kids exploring and learning multiple languages, then check out Fluent’s customizable books now! All our books come with free Amazon Prime shipping so order now and join us in opening a window into different cultures for your little ones!


Dictionary for the multilingual Parent


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