6 - TRC - Methods of Assessment
Sen. Murray Sinclair: How Can Canadians Work Toward Reconciliation
This video shows Senator Murray Sinclair talking about ways Canadians can contribute to reconciliation with Indigenous communities. Sinclair is the lead person on Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission. He emphasizes understanding the true history of Indigenous experiences and advocates for systemic change. He encourages Canadians to build relationships, get education on Indigenous issues, and support policies that respect Indigenous culture.
The most important part of this video is when Murray Sinclair is asked this question: “When you were writing the calls to action who did you have in mind?” The immediate answer is “You. Young Indigenous people.” This moment touched me. It moved me because of all of the the love and the responsibility that goes into that statement. This is the beauty of this quest- it exemplifies the best part of human beings: the ability to serve the needs of others before themselves. This is good manners and I feel sad that Murray Sinclair wont get to see all of the puzzle pieces of Truth and Reconciliation fall into place from this side of the human experience and also feel the strength of the resilience that goes into fighting for something that is a 7 generations long.